End of Week 4

30 09 2008

Last Monday, I was reminded by two people with questions.

“Why can’t you love yourself more?” by Mr. HHH

“What’s the positive points of her?” by Zan

Yesterday I was reminded again for going sidetracked by Mr. HHH. I gotta thank both of them for the reflections on the questions and reminders they gave me.

Alright, its week 4 already and I weighed myself yesterday… I lose 4kg! Well, it’s not over four weeks thought. Cuz I didn’t weigh myself on the first week. For the second week I lose 1 kg, and 3 kg over the next two weeks. For the last two weeks I didn’t exercise much. When jogging twice, Pulau Ubin trip and a trip to Planet Fitness, and my first roller blading lesson! That’s all. This proves that my diet works!

No cooked meat, No soft-drinks, No deep-fried food.

Yong Tau Foo, Salad, Salmon Sashimi Buffet @ Nihon Mura, Juice, Raw Honey, Avocado and Durian!

Me and Mr. HHH agrees on the top 5 resource for Raw FAT. Yes, FAT!

(Listing for the tastiest)

1. Salmon Sashimi

2. Durian

3. Avocado

4. Cold-press Extra Virgin Olive Oil

5. Raw coconut oil

I’ve been eating all except the coconut oil. Cuz the last time I took it, two weeks ago, I’d difficulty sleeping and diarrhea the next morning. It could be due to many possibilities. It may expire already, or blender is not thoroughly cleaned, or it’s too healthy that it causes major detoxification in my body and expelled all the toxic out. Cuz I took like two jars of oil at once and threw away the fibre and blends it with banana. Hope the last point is the corrrect one!

Avocado is just too troublesome and expensive!

I make it a point to go Nihon Mura once a week for my weekly stock up on Salmon Sashimi! I just pay 18 bucks for 8-10 servings of it. Now I even brought my own salad dressing for the sashimi salad…yes, and it’s cold-pressed extra virgin olive oil! And it’s a nice combination!

Sometimes, Mr. HHH will treat me durian! Well it’s a pact made with him. Next time I gotta treat him back.

People like AL who stereotypes durian as unhealthy and had to be avoided to prevent becoming fat! It’s kinda ironic. Singaporeans love to eat durian and think it’s unhealthy, but they still it anyway! And that’s a good thing! But we can appreciate not only its taste, but the health it can provide for us too. Avocado, olive oil, coconut oil too, were misunderstood.

Last Friday I had my first roller blade lesson! And I can now balance on skates! Well I haven’t learn to blade yet though. My goal is to be able blade to TP! There were 4 of us in a lesson. Two of them are 8-9 year old kids! The other is a gal in her early twenties I guess! Felt kinda awkward initially with the kids around and their parents too.

1 month has passed since the holidays started. Left 20 odd days… I’d like to go to Southern Ridge soon!